List of Universities in Bahawalpur with Contact Information

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Note: All directories are updated with the consent of representatives of listed companies. If you want to add your company into the list so you can email your data to [email protected]

Univeristy/InstituteSectorAddressPhoneOther details
Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, BahawalpurPublicCholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Near DHA, Bahawalpur, Punjab-Pakistan-9255686Email: [email protected]
GOVERNMENT SADIQ COLLEGE WOMEN UNIVERSITYPublicGovernment Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur.+92-62-2284803, +92-62 9250075Email: [email protected]
ISLAMIA UNIVERSITYPublicThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan.92 - 62 - 9250235Email: [email protected]